Pilots Have Earned Their Wings.
Now, They're Serving the Lord!

How Will You Lift Someone Up Today?

Instead of just punching holes in the sky, join Pilots for Christ and start punching holes through barriers.

Pilots for Christ is a nonprofit organization consisting of volunteer pilots and non-pilots who have earned more than just their wings. Our pilots unselfishly donate their planes and their fuel, and fly missions whenever and wherever there’s someone in need.

To Serve the Lord, You Don't Need a Large or Fast Plane. 

It doesn't take a miracle to get people the help they need, but it does take a few willing pilots. 

To share the Gospel you don't need a large or fast plane. Most of our missions are flown in single-engine, four-seat aircraft and the majority are within a 300-400 mile radius of your home base airport. 

We are not an air-ambulance service, or an emergency medical service. We require that clients be ambulatory, medically stable, non-contagious, non-psychiatric and able to get in and out of the aircraft with little or no assistance. With approval, we allow clients to be accompanied by a nurse or carry FAA approved oxygen concentrators, cylinders and other medical equipment. And we always welcome a friend or family member to fly along for additional support.

Volunteer As A Pilot

You've earned your wings, now it's time to get busy serving the Lord!  Please join us in our mission to eliminate the barriers of transportation for those in need of life-changing help. See the information below.

To be a volunteer pilot:
  • You must be a member,
  • Have a current medical,
  • Be current in your FAR requirements for the type and rating you are going to use for the flight.

PCI has no other flight requirements, other than the requirements expressed in the FARs under part 91. Contact the nearest Chapter for help learning how to sign up for missions.
Kansas City Heartland Chapter, Pilots Fred, Charles, Patient Madison M and Mom, Pilot Doris
Jim Scalici-Pilot (not pictured) helping Anne get to appointment, Michigan Chapter
Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter, with patient and mom to St. Judes, Memphis, TN, Pilot Dennis Estell