AutoPilot Planning Aids

IMPORTANT!  Please Read!

Pilots for Christ International, Inc. is a membership organization that posts public requests for consideration by our member AutoPilots regarding volunteer travel mssions.  

Membership cards are issued to each member with expiration dates.  Memberships that are expired or non-members are not authorized by Pilots for Christ International to participate through driving passengers on behalf of Pilots for Christ International.

The decision to accept and provide travel assistance by yourself, as a "Good Standing Member", is an individual matter between yourself and the person(s), requesting travel.  Pilots for Christ International, Inc. offers communication assistance only (contact, urgency of request and indemnity waiver) between the requester and yourself as an AutoPilot.  You must always abide by all Federal, State and local legal requirements for operating your aircraft and/or automobile.  The requirement to meet these licensed operating regulations is strictly your responsiblity and is not the responsibility of Pilots for Christ International, Inc.   As an AutoPilot you are not required to be a commercial or professional individual and you are not required to meet the same standards.  You are a private individual volunteering your vehicle and time to help all those in need of transportation within the scope of your licensed abilities.

Insurance requirements are your responsibility and not that of Pilots for Christ International, Inc. and we do not provide travel "Indemnity" insurance. Pilots for Christ International, Inc. makes no decisions as to the "Go" or "No Go" of  requested travel accepted by you as these decisions are strictly made by yourself.

An "Indemnity Waiver", relieving Pilots for Christ International, Inc. of any travel indemnity (responsibility) must be signed by all parties requesting travel through Pilots for Christ International, Inc.  before travel is provided by yourself.
Auto Pilot Suggested Check List

Some Items May Not Be Needed If The Mission Is Local Only


  • Indemnity waiver release and request forms
  • Welcome pack from Pilots for Christ International ( If available to tell others about Jesus)

Personal Items
  • Wallet and/or purse and cash (sometimes we forget the most obvious things)
  • Credit cards and/or traveler's checks (plus list of numbers of both)
  • List of telephone numbers for Pilots for Christ Officers, in case of trouble or an accident
  • Your insurance information
  • Driver's license and maybe other ID
  • Car and house keys (plus duplicate sets kept in different bags)
  • Eye glasses and/or contact lenses (plus lens cleaner)
  • Sunglasses
  • Watch 
  • Bible
  • Prescriptions and other medications 
  • Maps and/or directions
  • GPS (if available)
  • Camera and film (Please take a photo of passengers)

Guest Client Items
  • Books and magazines for kids and adults 
  • Toys, playing cards, small games
  • Disposable wipes (or put damp paper towels in zippered plastic bags)
  • Snacks/gum
  • Paper napkins/towels
  • Small cooler with beverages (water is best) and snack items
  • Pillows
  • Towels (in case of hot seats or spills)

Automotive Travel Kit

  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Umbrella and rain jackets 
  • Plastic bags for wet items 
  • Jumper Cables
  • Pocketknife
  • Small Toolkit of essentials
  • First-aid kit
How can Auto Pilots help on the Aviation side of travel?
Individuals willing to drive persons and families TO and FROM an airport of origin or an airport of destination coinciding with missions flown by our member pilots can check available missions on  We handle all the phone calls, emails, and scheduling. All you have to do is look at the posted missions online to see if a mission fits within your schedule and confirm you can take the mission.  Chapter members can consult with their mission coordinators for help.