AutoPilots Can Drive A Vehicle.
Now, They're Serving the Lord!

How Will You Help Someone Today?

AutoPilots is a service provided by individuals within Pilots for Christ International, who are willing to drive individuals or families locally to appointments, treatments, doctor visits and other necessary travel. The AutoPilot may provide travel To and From airports to assist our pilot services and sometimes may need to take a longer mission. These individuals use their own vehicles and provide this service free of charge.  Through their Love for Jesus Christ, they have dedicated themselves to spreading the Gospel and helping others.

To Serve the Lord, You Don't Need a Large or Fast Vehicle. 

It doesn't take a miracle to get people the help they need, but it does take a few willing AutoPilots. To share the Gospel you just need the vehicle you own. We are not an ambulance service or an emergency medical service. We require that clients be ambulatory, medically stable, non-contagious, non-psychiatric and able to get in and out of the vehicle with little or no assistance. With approval, we allow clients to be accompanied by a nurse or carry approved oxygen concentrators, cylinders and other medical equipment. And we always welcome a friend or family member to ride along for additional support.

New AutoPilot Application

You've got your vehicle, now it's time to get busy serving the Lord!  Please join us in our mission to eliminate the barriers of transportation for those in need of life-changing help.  Click below to Apply or if you have any questions, call us at 816.517.1955.

To be a volunteer Autopilot for Pilots for Christ International, you must be a member, and have a current driver's license.
Another Mission Complete! This couple was taken to University Hospital in Aurora, CO.
James, homeless and living in an unheated shed at -15 below zero, suffered severe frostbite of his feet. PCI Auto Pilots helped him get to a shelter.