Request a Flight or a Ride

Please complete the form below for a free flght request:
Want to contact a particular Chapter yourself:

Go to our Chapters Page and you will find contact phone numbers and email addresses, or simply click on each chapter below to be taken to their website:

Alabama     Arkansas   Cincinnati Tri-State    East Texas     Florida Space Coast  

Kansas City Heartland       Michigan      Minnesota       Northeast Ohio

North Dakota         Tennessee       Virginia       Washington State

We endeavor to help all individuals and families, in need, who call on us as representatives of Our Lord Jesus.  We make no  promises of transportation, only a commitment to do everything within our resources to approve and help.
Need a Ride? Complete form to the Left
Auto Pilots (Free Request a Ride) is not available at all our Pilots for Christ International Locations.  By completing the form at Left we will determine if your request is feasible, we will notify you of our ability to offer free assistance for a ride in your local area.