AUTO PILOTS / How can you help?
Why be an Auto Pilot?
Auto Pilots / Auto Angels is a service provided by individuals within Pilots for Christ International, who are willing to drive individuals, families, locally to get to appointments, treatments, Dr. visits and other necessary, urgent travel.   These individuals use their own auto's and provide this service free of charge.  Through their Love for Jesus Christ, they have dedicated themselves to spreading the Gospel and helping others.  If you would like to be an Auto Pilot for Christ, please join today!
How can Auto Pilots help on the Aviation side of travel?
Pilots for Christ International is also in great need of individuals willing to drive individuals and families to and from an airport of origin or an airport of destination coinciding with missions flown by our member pilots.  Please consider joining today to provide this ever increasing need for service to Christ!  We handle all the phone calls, emails, scheduling, all you have to do is look at posted opportunities online, to see if a mission fits within your schedule, confirm, or if you are a member of a chapter, then discuss with your mission coordinator.
Consider Annie, whose brother drove from South Carolina to Pennsylvania, just to help get Annie from the airport to the treatment center. 6 miles from the airport, where she landed.  He did not want her to go in a cab. Please help by joining today!
Consider James, homeless and living in an unheated shed, at -15 below zero, suffered severe frostbite of his feet.  PCI Auto Pilots helped him get to a shelter.
There are countless stories of God's people showing their love!
Please join Pilots for Christ International Today