Mission requests 1/1/2011-10/10/2011

Pilots For Christ International is a non-denominational organization of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, dedicated to the promotion of the Gospel through aviation and necessary ground transportation.

Free air and ground transportation is available!

If you need air or ground transportation, Pilots for Christ might be able to help. See our "Services" page for information on how to request a flight or ground transportation.
Auto Pilots
Check out our Auto Pilots page for members who are not pilots and desire to help on a mission, driving their own car.  Many times there is a need, right in your own community.  There is also a need getting passengers/patients, to and from flights at local airports. 
Brycen's First Flight
Brycen's first airplane ride, with mom, was exciting!  But, his bravery extended into the coming days, as these photos were taken just hours before, at (3) yrs old, he endured open heart surgery.  Please pray for him.
Want to Fly a Mission for Our Lord?
ADDS Weather
Check out the latest in Aviation weather, Metars, TAFs, Convective Activity in your City, or destination
Go right to ADDS, just click on the NOAA icon

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Missions Active Today and Recently!
Please thank Our Lord for safe travel
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PCI Members log in for mission opportunities
Providing travel assistance across North America and the Caribbean
Please Welcome
The J T Rice - North Dakota Chapter

About JT Rice-North Dakota Chapter

Pilots For Christ is a non-denominational ministry of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, dedicated to the promotion of the Gospel through aviation. The first North Dakota Member will be John Timothy Rice. Our Chapter will be named in his honor and for the Glory of God. We ask that you join us in serving in the Lord’s Air Force.   

Remembering Air Force 2nd Lt. John Timothy Rice
Eternal Membership-Addie Mathison- JTRice-ND Chapter
This website is dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ and all Free Charity, public benefit flying, Air & Ground Transportation missions, depictions, requests are to honor and glorify his calling of us to serve him.  We are
"Our Lords Airforce"