Pilots for Christ International News and Events

Pilots for Christ International supports (5) National events each year that allow our membership to participate in Aviation related activities, witnessing at airshows, and demonstrating their belief in Jesus Christ.  Our Organizational related activities are listed below.  Our chapters also have many activities that they support, such as air shows, Young Eagles, through EAA, and events and fundraisers they support within their area of ministry.  Please get involved where and when you can to support all International and Chapter supported events.
News of National and International interest is listed below, please view our chapter pages for exciting news about their work for Our Lord Jesus and the wonderful blessings that they are receiving
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Please contact Prayerflight.org and commit to your flight over your State Capital or surrounding area.  You can also work through your Chapter to schedule a prayer flight.  Please let them know you are a member of Pilots for Christ International.
Mission Aviation Day
Tucson, AZ
March 16, 2012
Every (2) years, in Tucson, AZ, the country celebrates Mission Aviation Day, and we are planning to have a presence at this event for the second time in 2013. 
PCI Booth March 27-April 1, 2012
Please plan to attend and help at the Pilots for Christ International Booth.  Members, go to shiftboard.com to RSVP, to help at booth. Look at March 26, 2012
July 23-29, 2012
Pilots for Christ International is planning to have another booth at Oshkosh in 2012.  Members please look at shiftboard.com for RSVP, to help at booth. Look at July 22, 2012
Register Today!
Annual Conference / Convention
September 7-9, 2012
Williamburg, VA

Please click link above for info.
Each year our members are invited to participate in an annual gathering, to update others about chapter activities, or individual efforts to spread the Gospel and transport others with urgent transportation.  The (3) day weekend culminates with a banquet, and service on Sunday morning.  Please plan to attend.