Pilots for Christ International Officers
Pilots for Christ International is managed as an organization, by (12) Board of Director Members, and run day to day by (4) Officers, who are also members of the BoD. Please meet each individual below, along with their contact information.
International President Tim Layne
 Tim Layne (L), Lori Layne, Gayle W., Michael G., Prayer Flight 2012
Tim is a private instrument pilot, and a member of AOPA. He is retired from the Postal Service where he served as a Senior Manager (EAS-25), from 1992 until 2009, in Post Office Operations. He retired with 36 years of Federal Service, with 33 yrs in management. He is a Vietnam Army Veteran, having served near Bear Cat, in 1969. He & Lori own a Mooney and live in Michigan,
near Grand Rapids. Lori and Tim have (6) children and (13)
grandchildren, and love Jesus with all their hearts. They fly missions and conduct auto-pilot
missions in their area and in partnership with other chapters. They
both belong to the Michigan Chapter. As President of Pilots for Christ
International, he is responsible for the day to day operations, and
makes decisions that enhance the PCI organization and bring glory to Our
Lord Jesus.
Contact Info(616) 884-6241 (Office) (616) 884-6079 (Fax) (616) 636-5523 (Home) (616) 570-2768 (Cell) timlaynepres@pilotsforchrist.org
International Vice President-Dr. Bob Lehton PSY.D-President Florida Space Coast
Bob Lehton, warmly known as “Dr. Bob” is the Vice President of Pilots for Christ, International. Dr. Bob has been an integral part of the board since 2001. He is the Founder and President of Servant Air Ministries (PCI Florida Space Coast Chapter), which serves air transport to the Bahamas since 1993. Dr. Bob is a member of AOPA, NAFI and Seeds of Abraham. Dr. Bob has flown countless hours and given many hours of instruction and assistance to grow God’s love. He is a Minister of Music and an Ordained Minister. His occupation is a Clinical Child Psychologist and founder of the Family Pediatric Clinic. Contact Info(321) 783-1837 (Home)
(321) 749-1644 (cell)
International Treasurer-Mark LeRoy-President Virginia
Married to wife,
Bonnie, for 19 years
Ministry with Pilots for Christ
- Pilots for Christ – Member 1996 to present
(Life Member)
- Treasurer & Board of Directors- Pilots for Christ , National 1997
to Present
- Vice President- Virginia Chapter – 1996 to 2009
- President- Virginia Chapter - 2009-Present
- Pilots for Christ – Member 1996 to present
- Treasurer- Virginia Chapter - Past
- Secretary- Virginia Chapter – Past
- Daughter – Kelly Nadeau – married to
Dustin Nadeau, 3 grandchildren, Caleb, Kestin and Noah
- Daughter – Nancy Havle – married to
Robert Havle, 1 granddaughter – Brooke
- Son – Matthew LeRoy – married to
Nikki, 3 grandsons – Douglas, Dorian & Ethan
Occupation –Mark is Finance Manager, City of
Manassas Government – 20 years. Prior to City, was self-employed as Public
Accountant over 20 Years.
Bonnie is employed with AT&T, now 21
Other Areas of Ministry:
Teacher 9th
grade Sunday school – 1998 to 2002 (Bonnie & I)
Group leader Acts 2:42 – 2007 to present (Bonnie & me)
First Impressions
Ministry – Usher – 15 years (Me)
First Impressions
Ministry – Greeter & Welcome Center (Bonnie)
Head Usher Saturday
Night service – 2006 to present (Me)
Honor Bound Motorcycle
Group – Member (Me)
MAG Golf Group –Member
Board of Deacons &
Treasurer – 2011 (Me)
- Christian Motorcyclists Association
- 2004 to Present (Bonnie too)
Other Stuff Mark:
Served in U.S. Army Active Duty ’68-‘71.
One Tour and 3 campaigns in Tay Ninh, Vietnam ’69-70. Awarded Bronze Star and other decorations.
Former Volunteer Fireman (20 Years)
and Chief Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad (‘78-’86).
Contact Info9611 Cloverhill Rd.
Manassas, VA 20110
(703) 369-6394
International Secretary-Lori Layne-President Michigan
Lori has been a member of Pilots for Christ since 2005. She is President of the Michigan Chapter and a pilot. Lori has been involved with Christian Dog Mushing and wrote a Children’s book called, “If I Only had an Angel”. She has been married to Tim for 20 years. They have 6 Grown children and 13 grandchildren. Lori is retired and enjoys knitting and giving to those in need. Her bible verse is: Romans 5: 3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy spirit, whom he has given us.
Contact Info890 22 Mile Rd Sand Lake, MI 49343 (616) 636-5523 (Office) (616) 570-2767 (Cell)
Board of Directors Member at Large-Lee DeArmond (Past International President PCI) / Virginia
Lee DeArmond joined Pilots for Christ in 1995. He has been a member of the Virginia Chapter
since 1998 and is currently the Chapter Secretary. In 2002, Lee was elected to the National
Board of Directors and served as the Vice President until he became the President
in 2005. Lee served as President of
Pilots for Christ for six years, stepping down in August, 2011. He is currently a member at large on the
Board of Directors. Lee is a retired
Army Reserve Officer and a retired Federal Civil Servant having served more
than 32 years. He holds a multiengine
instrument rating and flies a Cessna 182.
He and his wife Shirley live in Manassas,
Contact Info7869 Meadowgate Dr.
Manassas, VA 20112
(703) 791-0448 LeeDeArmond@msn.com
Board of Directors Member at Large-Dennis Estel-President Cincinnati Tri-State
 Dennis Estell (R)
Joined PCI in 2006, Chapter President
2010. I am a licensed pilot since 1978 and have 1500 hours logged and
two to three hundred has been public benefit flying, first into Mexico
in the 80's and then in the Midwest.
I have loved airplanes and flying since childhood and started
lessons in 1965 but was unable to finish for about 10 years. I was born
again in 1972 and asked God to enable me to have the means to fly. When
he did I was very happy renting aircraft, but when He gave me a
beautiful North America Navion in 1980, I vowed to use it for spreading
the Gospel in some way and the best and happiest time aloft have been
and will continue to be the time I fly for Him!! I pray that at the age
of 68 He will allow another 10-15 years of flying. Contact Info640 Quail Run Cincinnati, OH 45244 (513) 831-2611 (Home) (513) 479-2564 (Mobile) kgskid@gmail.com
Board of Directors Member at Large-Gary Geib-President Kansas City Heartland
Board of Directors-Member-at-Large-Paul Pankratz-President Minnesota
Paul Pankratz has been a member of Pilot’s For Christ,
International since about 2004 and has been the PCI – Minnesota chapter president since 2005. He holds a commercial pilot’s certificate
with multi-engine and instrument ratings.
Paul owns a 1968 Cessna C-177 Cardinal which he uses for PCI missions
and for flying EAA Young Eagles, having flown 340 kids since joining the
program in November 2000.
Paul is employed by a twin cities based global provider of
cleaning, sanitizing and infection protection products and services for the
Institutional, Industrial, Food Service and Healthcare markets.
After graduating from the University
of Wisconsin – Madison
in 1978 with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering Paul held multiple
assignments for his employer which led him to live in various parts of the U.S. including Joliet,
Illinois, Woodbridge,
New Jersey and Dallas Texas. A special engineering project gave him
international exposure taking him to Brussels, Europe in 1998.
Paul is a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and currently works in the
R&D business sector of his original employer.
Paul is a musician and vocalist in the choir at his local
church and for the past 7 years has volunteered as a team member for the RCIA
process, the Right of Christian Initiation of Adults
where he has also served as parish sponsor for adults seeking to enter the
Paul is originally from Green Bay,
Wisconsin and even though he has resided in Lakeville, Minnesota for
the past 21 years he is a staunch Green
Bay “Packer Backer”.
His hobbies include flying (of course), biking and tennis.
Contact Info16138 Jacquara Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 (952) 898-6687 (Home) (651) 795-5889 (Cell) paul.pankratz@ecolab.com
Board of Directors Member at Large-Tom Tracy/ Washington State
Age: 60 in October of this year
Status: Single
Work: Legacy Power Systems, division
Hobbies: Flying and working so I can
afford flying!!
Motto: Why would I walk when God will let
me fly!!
Received Pilot certificate Nov. 26, 2008
Total hours 508
Hold: Private Pilot
Performance endorsement
on commercial rating
Aircraft owned with partners: Cessna C182B;
STC’d with 275 horse PPonk conversion scheduled this January; new paint
scheduled this January; Instrument certified with WAAS enabled Apollo GNS 480;
new interior 2008 (beautiful); and to think God
is sooooo good he lets me fly it!!
Contact InfoP.O. Box 306 Burley, WA 98322 (253) 686-3050 (Home) (253) 686-3050 (Cell) (253) 858-0214 (Work) (253) 858-0215 (Fax) tomt@legacypower.com
Board of Directors Member at Large-Lance Winn-President Arkansas
Saved at age 14 Married to Chris for 38 years Two grown daughters, Mandy and Ashley Five grandchildren Member of East Side Baptist Church in Paragould AR Worked in customer service and production scheduling in a manufacturing facility for 28 years Also spent 26 years in the youth and music ministry (bi-vocational) Love
all kinds of music, currently a member of Doc's Friends, a Bluegrass
Gospel group and have traveled to Hungary 3 times and once to Canada Member of PCI since 2003 Arkansas chapter president since 2007
Contact Info 204 S 7th St Paragould, AR 72450 (870) 236-3809 (Home) (870) 240-4490 (Cell) pilotsforchristar@gmail.com
Board of Directors Member at Large-Dick Blondin-Executive Director-Florida Spacecoast Chapter
Dick is a dedicated individual and pilot who will work with the Southeast area for Pilots for Christ. He has many talents and Cecilia, his wife makes beautiful thank you cards to the Glory of Christ, as part of her ministry. Dick is assisting with the following areas: AR, LA, MS,TN, AL, GA, NC, SC, FL
Contact Inforblondin@cfl.rr.com 321-452-3693
Board of Director-Member at Large-Steve Barbour-Past President Wyoming Chapter
Steve is the past president of the Wyoming Chapter and is extremely involved and cares about Pilots for Christ. Please contact him with any questions or concerns.
Contact Info: Box 94Gillette, WY 82717307-686-2573 (home)307-660-2573 (cell)pci_wy@vcn.com