Thursday, May 2, 2013 |
Please contact Prayerflight.org and commit to your flight over your State Capital or surrounding area. You can also work through your Chapter to schedule a prayer flight. Please let them know you are a member of Pilots for Christ International.
We are preparing for the convention in Ft. Worth, TX October 10-12, 2013 and will post more information in January 2013.
PCI Booth SW 11 April 9-14, 2013 |
Please plan to attend and help at the Pilots for Christ International Booth. Members, go to shiftboard.com to RSVP, to help at booth. Look at April 9, 2013,
JT Rice-North Dakota Commissioned July 29, 2012 |
New Chapter Commissioning Events throughout the World
New Chapter Commissioned in: Lakewood, CO COLORADO CHAPTER Bear Valley Church 10001 W. Jewell Lakewood, CO
3PM, October 27, 2012 Contact Ernie Miller-President millercolorado@pilotsforchrist.org
Bear Valley Church, Lakewood, CO |
July 29-Aug 4, 2013 |
Pilots for Christ International is planning to have another booth at Oshkosh in 2013. Members please look at shiftboard.com for RSVP, to help at booth. Look at July 29, 2013
Alabama 2013More information soon ! Each year our members are invited to participate in an annual gathering, to update others about chapter activities, or individual efforts to spread the Gospel and transport others with urgent transportation. The (3) day weekend culminates with a banquet, and service on Sunday morning. Please plan to attend.