Volunteer Pilots
We need you
In service to Our Lord Jesus!
Everyday we receive calls, either through our International Flight Coordinator, or through our Chapters to assist someone with urgent travel needs.  We depend on our Christ centered volunteer pilots and non-pilots to fly or drive individuals and families to distant or local locations, when they need urgent air or ground transportation.  If you would like to be part of this organization then please go to our "Join PCI Today" page.  Some of the reasons we need you are pictured below:
To be a volunteer pilot, in Pilots for Christ International, you must be a member, have a current medical, and be current in your FAR requirements for the type and rating you are going to use for the flight.  PCI has no other flight requirements, other than the requirements expressed in the FAR.
Flying Fatigue!  Do you ever fight it?  Learn some good tips below.
Pilots for Christ International encourages all licensed pilots to complete a Flight Risk Assessment before every flight.  This information is here to help you with that effort!
  • Illness - Is the pilot suffering from any illness or symptom of an illness which might affect them in flight,
  • Medication - Is the pilot currently taking any drugs (prescription or over-the-counter),
  • Stress - Psychological or emotional factors which might affect the pilot's performance,
  • Alcohol - Although legal limits vary by jurisdiction (20 mg/mL blood in the UK[2], four times less than for driving), the pilot might want to consider their alcohol consumption within the last 8 to 24 hours,
  • Fatigue - Has the pilot had sufficient sleep and rest in the recent past, and
  • Emotion - Is the pilot emotionally upset.

This is from the FAA Risk Management Handbook FAA-H-8083-2

Kansas City Heartland Chapter, Pilots Fred, Charles, Patient Madison M and Mom, Pilot Doris
East Texas President Richard Yazell, with passenger
Auto Pilot mission for James-Michigan Chapter
Jim Scalici-Pilot (not pictured) helping Anne get to appointment, Michigan Chapter
National Day of Prayer over Michigan State Capitol, Noon
Alabama Chapter returning home Pastor and daughter after horrific accident
Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter, with patient and mom to St. Judes, Memphis, TN, Pilot Dennis Estell
Sun-N-Fun Fly-in, Lakeland, FL April 2011